In 1 Thess 5:12 – 5:28, Paul continues to expound upon Christ’s atoning sacrifice in his final declaration to the Thessalonians. His closing statement indicates his desire for the Lord’s grace to be upon them. His desire for the Lord’s favor indicates an understanding of Christ’s atoning sacrifice in the lives of the Thessalonians. Through God’s sanctification through his son, they continue to receive the Lord’s favor in their lives. In addition, Paul provides a similar final declaration in Rom 16:20. He not only requests that grace remains upon them, but he also acknowledges that God will crush Satan under their feet. Satan being crushed, but more importantly, rendered idle or powerless occurs with Christ’s atoning sacrifice on the cross. Therefore, Paul leaves the Thessalonians with the hope of their continued favor in Christ’s sacrifice and redemption over Satan.


Paul concludes 1 Thess with a charge for their personal righteous behavior, which also includes behavior within their community and towards God. Paul climaxes the Thessalonians’ behavior against God’s saving grace through the atoning sacrifice of his son. Paul’s charge and encouragement to remain in the saving grace of continues for today’s Christians. We are called to possess piety and reverence for God. We are called to maintain accuracy with the spiritual gifts. In all of these actions, we do not equate to God’s single action of sanctification through the atoning sacrifice of his son. Therefore, the real call is for us to respond and receive God’s grace through his son. Without the sacrifice of Christ, we will not only miss salvation but will also miss the ability to render Satan powerless in our lives. Jesus represents everything, but will we allow him to have a divine effect in our lives.

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